
For Animals Inc. | Dedicated to Eliminating Animal Homelessness | New York, NY

I am proud to announce that I have teamed up with For Animals Inc. and am now on their board of directors.

Let me tell you a little about their organization.  For Animals, Inc. rescues stray and abandoned dogs and cats and then transports them to a veterinarian office where they are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, dewormed and checked for general health. Afterward, they are fostered in a cage free environment until they are adopted into safe, loving homes.

With tens of thousands of feral cats on the streets of NYC, the focus is on TNR as an effort to humanely reduce the overall population, one colony at a time. By neutering & spaying the feral cats in the colony and adopting out friendly strays and kittens, the colony stabilizes and begins to shrink over time.

For Animals was founded in 2001 by Theresa Bachu when a pregnant stray cat gave birth in her backyard.  Unable to find a shelter to take in this cat and her kittens, caring for the litter proved to be a life-changing experience for Theresa resulting in her commitment to bettering the lives of homeless animals in New York City.  Upon learning about Trap-Neuter-Return as a humane and effective method for reducing animal overpopulation, Theresa began trapping and altering cats in 2002 by purchasing traps from the hardware store and leveraging low cost spay/neuter resources available throughout the community.

In 2005, For Animals forged an important relationship with me and my hospital Manhattan Cat Specialists.  What began as a partnership for saving rescued kittens grew into a consistent spay/neuter resource for Theresa's TNR and eventually a veterinary support system for many of the cats newly adopted from For Animals.  As the volume of cats Theresa was helping increased, she began discerning feral from friendly, stray cats who had been abandoned on the streets.  In 2006 the For Animals shelter and adoption program was established to provide temporary care for cats in transition.  After incorporating in 2008, For Animals joined the Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals and began participating in mobile adoption events through North Shore Animal League America.

Since its inception in 2001, the For Animals TNR program has altered thousands of cats across hundreds of colonies, educated dozens of caretakers about proper care for feral cats, and developed a strong network of community participants who assist in identifying new colonies and trapping feral cats.  During this time the For Animals adoption program has also placed hundreds of homeless cats and kittens in loving, permanent homes while raising awareness about companion animal homelessness and the importance of spay and neuter.

Make sure to visit the For Animals Inc. website and also connect on Facebook and Twitter:
  • Become a Fan of For Animals on Facebook
  • Follow For Animals on Twitter
For Animals Inc. relies on volunteers to operate. If you would like to make a difference in one of the following ways, please go here.

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