
Basic Steps That Will Ensure Healthy Pets

By Donna Stone

Mankind has kept domestic animals for hundreds of years. Initially, the purpose of these animals was to serve as food or as labour. Today, however, millions of households cherish tame household animals purely for their companionship and the joy that they provide to the members of the household. These animals can indeed make an important contribution to quality of life of their owners but owners should understand that it is their responsibility to ensure that they have healthy pets.

Animals kept as part of a household need love and attention. Not all animals need the same level of personal attention from their owners, however. Cats, for example, are often quite happy to be by themselves while dogs need constant attention. There is no captive animal that does not need at least some love and attention from time to time. If this is not given their health will most certainly suffer.

The health of any household animal is also directly related to the quality and quantity of exercise he gets. This is especially the case when the animal is caged or kept in a confined space such as an apartment. Some animals, such as cats, rats and hamsters, for example, can satisfy their own exercise needs but others, such as dogs need their owners to exercise them.

An inappropriate diet is perhaps the biggest threat to the health of a household animal. Many owners fail to feed their animals a balanced diet specifically designed for their needs. They think they show them love by feeding them human food and snacks on demand. The truth of the matter is that an unbalanced diet radically shorten the life span of such animals.

Just as humans need regular medical check ups, animals need to visit the vet on a regular basis. It may not seem as if their is anything amiss with the health of the animal, but many diseases are dormant and only manifest in visible symptoms when it is too late. Regular visits to a vet will ensure that such conditions are diagnosed and treated before they become life threatening.

The health of an animal can also be adversely affected if it is stressed or bored. Animals should have a variety of toys and their exercise routines should be varied. For example, when taking a dog for walks different routes should be taken every day. Many animals experience severe stress under certain conditions and every effort should be made to ensure that the animal is not exposed to such conditions.

It is unfortunate that many animal owners adopt animals that are simply not suited to the environment where they will be kept. The living environment intended for an animal should be a vital consideration when choosing a household pet. Some animals need more space, others need hiding places and yet others need privacy. Keeping an animal in an unsuited environment will affect its health.

Household animals can play an important role in the lives of their owners. However, their needs, preferences and well being should always be of prime concern. They do not have a choice about what they are fed, how they are treated or where they are kept. Sensible people will understand that and refrain from subjecting an innocent animal to a life of misery.

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