
Lazy Kittens Will Benefit From An Indoor Cat Exerciser

By Jerry Olson

If a person notices that their pet is not as vivacious as they once were, there could be many causes. Like people, weight gain can affect the body in a number of ways and animals are no different. Since they have no concept of what it is like to get fit, it is up to owners to introduce new habits and products, such as the indoor cat exerciser or grab toys.

If one can imagine relaxing at home, either in bed or on the couch, with their dog or cat nearby. This sounds like a scene from a television ad for pet food or a vacation at home. While it can be an ideal way to spend quality time leisurely, it should not be a habit.

Most dogs benefit greatly from a stroll around the block at least once a day. It gives their owner an opportunity to socialize with neighbors and get in a little fitness time. However, this may not be the same for cat owners, as most like to stay in one place for hours or move around independently.

It is also best to keep felines indoors for as long as possible. Studies show that indoor cats live longer and are easier to train in terms of hyperactivity. This is why some people shy away from adopting feral animals because they are more used to roaming the streets. Those with the time and patience say that these types of pets can be trained but it may be up to the individual.

For those who live in small spaces, it may be difficult to find activities or set up play spaces for a cat. Unlike a dog, most felines cannot be placed on a leash and taken for a neighborhood stroll or to the park. Most cats and kittens prefer to be indoors or move at their own free will.

Cat exercisers of today are similar to treadmills that people use. Some can be folded up and quickly reassembled. Others mount to the wall, which may work for smaller apartments. Whatever the choice, this is a lot better than having a cat roam the outdoors alone.

Just like humans, losing as little as nine percent of current body weight can make a difference in preventing chronic illnesses. While the average human may have about a decade to make changes, animals have a shorter lifespan so getting on this immediately will make a difference. When choosing toys and exerciser, try a couple of things so that they do not become bored.

When animals are happy, their owners should be also. Engaging in healthy activities and staying hydrated are good ways to keep most chronic ailments at bay. If a person has a hard time staying on a workout regime, maybe including the cat or dog will be an inspiration to do better.

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