
Cures for Cat Laryngitis

Cures for Cat Laryngitis

Cat laryngitis is characterized by a swelling or an inflammation of the larynx. This results in a hoarse meow, coughing, trouble swallowing and difficult or noisy respiration. Cat laryngitis has many causes, and the treatments are just as varied.

Reducing Stress

    Some cats develop laryngitis through constant meowing due to distress. If the source of the stress is removed, the cat will cease meowing, allowing its throat to heal. In cases where stress is the only cause of feline laryngitis, this may be the only treatment necessary.


    If the laryngitis is caused by an infection of the throat, antibiotics can be prescribed by a veterinarian. According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and systemic antibiotics may be used.

Soft Foods

    If the cat has simply suffered from throat irritation, feeding it soft foods for a few weeks can help its throat heal. This will also likely be comforting for a cat that has been dealing with discomfort, and it can also help regain any lost weight.

Cough Suppressant

    For laryngitis caused by an upper respiratory infection, a cough suppressant can be administered until the infection clears. A cough suppressant will reduce the constant abrasion of coughing and allow the throat to heal.


    Constant meowing or coughing can lead to inflamed throat tissue. Applying a small amount of ice to the exterior of the cat's throat can offer some relief from the pain and help the larynx return to normal.

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