
Info on the animal clinic

Ok, so we have the animal clinics coming up at the end of this week! Here's a bit of information to anyone interested in helping or who wants to bring cats there.

Clinic for cats begins on sunday the 24th of november, and we start in the afternoon at 1pm. The next day, monday the 25th and until the 30th, we start in the morning already, from 9am. Location is Blue Marlin Dive Center. Cats will be sterilized (spay/neuter) and will be given other treatments as well if needed. The may be an extra day in another location after the 30th of nov, but I will inform on that later on.

For horses, the clinic starts on monday the 25th at 9am. Horses get new shoes and treatment in the mornings, until the 28th of november. Location is the art market (close to jetty, the small square where the nightly food market is every night)

If you want to volunteer, just come there, either on the cat or the horse clinic, and we will sort out some tasks for you.

We especially need help to go around and catch cats to have them operated. If you are a tourist staying on the island while we have the clinics: bring in the cats you see hanging around the place where you are staying! But take notice: if the cat already has a mark in the ear (a triangle shape of piece cut off from one ear): it has already been on our previous clinics. Also, in case the cat has a collar, it may belong to someone, so ask around before taking anyone's cat, as they may have already been operated even if they don't have the mark on the ear. If you see sick cats around, bring them in too for check up and medication. Make a note where you take the cat from and be responsible on returning the cat to the area where you took it, after the cat has properly woken up after the operation!

Even if you can only help out for one day or for just couple of hours, it will be hugely appreciated!

We also need donations of old sheets/towels/sarongs etc for the cats to sleep on while they are still drunk after the operation. If you have any to give out, bring them to Blue Marlin on the 24th. Also, if you happen to have a basket/box that is good for carrying cats, could we borrow that for the duration of the clinic? It would make it so much easier to go catch the cats and get them to the clinic! We will mark the boxes with your name and after the clinic you can come and get your box back.

Please spread the word about the clinics. The clinics are free of charge, so it is absolutely not a money issue to bring cats to the clinic. The locals are even paid 10 000 rupiah per each cat they bring in, just to get the local people involved and pay attention to what we do and why we do it.

And why is it that we do this? Because we love animals. And because there are too many cats and having the cat sterilized will give them so much easier life. Of course we love kittens, but there are too many, and not all of them make it beyond their baby days. We hope to control the breeding and that way, some day, reach a situation when we may have less cats around, but a much healthier cat population.

See you at the clinics!

And here are some cute kitten photos to cheer up everyone! This is the little kitten that was found near Little Woodstock a week and a half ago. His name is now Heikki and he is still doing really well. Look at him! Awwwwww!!!!!

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