
Assisi: 4 Ways To House Train Your Kitten

By Robin Setser

To say that taking care of a kitten requires responsibility would be nothing short of an understatement. This is especially true when you take house training into consideration, seeing as how it will take time for this process to be carried out. Assisi, along with other companies, will be able to provide the utmost assistance on the matter. By following these 4 tips, training the newest addition to your family won't be nearly as painstaking as you might believe.

To start off, make sure that your kitten's litter box is placed in the right location. Ideally, you want it to be somewhere that has enough privacy, seeing as how cats are rather independent creatures by nature. Of course, you want to make sure that the litter box in question is close enough so that you will be able to survey how your kitten is faring. Even so, giving your pet some privacy is important, which companies like Assisi Animal Health can support as well.

You should also maintain your kitten's litter, too. It's important for it to be fresh, which means that you should either change it every day or every other day. Either method will work fine, but you want to make sure that you do not go too long without keeping it maintained. If you fail to do so, it'll be more difficult to house train your kitten. Suffice it to say, the type of litter that is used will be nothing short of vital to this process.

It's also worth noting that your kitten's overall environment can play into how well he or she is house trained. Keep in mind that when your pet's environment becomes overly stressful, picking up new behaviors can be something of a challenge. It's for this reason that you should focus on giving your pet ample support, reducing or eliminating any additional stressors as well. This will have a positive impact on house training efforts, too.

To wrap things up, make sure that positive reinforcement is carried out, too. Whenever your kitten shows improvement, especially if he or she was struggling before, recognize their good behavior. You might be surprised by how much of a positive influence additional playtime or an extra treat shared can have. When this type of reinforcement is carried out, training can be done with even greater effectiveness in place.

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