
Can Electromagnetic Treatment For Cats Help Against High-Rise Syndrome?

By Robin Setser

To say that cats are graceful would be an understatement, as evidenced by their attraction to high places. They have been known to leap from said places as well, but there are situations where this can result in injury. For those that don't know, this is known as high-rise syndrome. The following information should help become better informed on not only said syndrome but the potential impact of PEMF treatment for cats to boot.

One of the common questions asked, when it comes to high-rise syndrome, is why it occurs in the first place. After all, if cats are known for being so graceful, they should be able to land on their feet without any problems. What many people don't consider is that some heights are simply too much for them. While a particular animal might be able to jump from a desk onto the floor without any problems, performing the same leap from a high shelf is another story.

It's also possible that this condition can arise as a result of a cat's attention being taken away. For example, if a kitten starts to fall asleep in an upright position, he or she will lose their balance. This increases the likelihood of falling from a heightened platform or structure. This is another situation where high-rise syndrome makes its presence known, but there are ways to correct the problem. Concerned pet owners would be wise to take note.

If your cat suffered an injury because of high-rise syndrome, your vet will be able to determine the best course of action. As a matter of fact, it's not unfathomable for them to recommend electromagnetic treatment for cats, seeing as how it can reduce pain in specific areas of the body. However, in order to prevent this issue in the first place, you should make proper adjustments to your home. Reducing access to particularly tall areas of your home is a good way to start.

Cats are naturally drawn to tall heights, as discussed earlier, but this doesn't mean that care shouldn't be taken by pet owners. As a matter of fact, by not getting involved, the risk of high-rise syndrome increases. Fortunately, there are ways to work around it, as you've learned. As a pet owner, it's in your best interest to learn more so that you can provide your cat with the best life imaginable.

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