
Crazy Cat Behavior

Crazy Cat Behavior

Pet owners who have a cat that acts in an odd manner may wonder what is wrong with their pet. Fortunately, in many cases the cat's behavior is actually quite common. Cats are extremely intelligent and unique creatures that have a tendency to behave in a way that some may consider weird.

Cat Communication and Personality

    According to the Vancouver Sun, even though a cat's behavior may seem bizarre, it's usually the cat's way of trying to communicate with its owner. In the Vancouver Sun, cat behaviorist Natalia Krawetz explained that cats tend to behave in a certain manner because they are trying to express themselves.

    Individuals should also understand that cats have their own personalities. Some cats are extremely extroverted and enjoy being around other people. Other cats may be shy and display unusual behavior when encountering other people.

Odd Routine Behaviors

    It's also beneficial to remember that strange cat behavior can become a regular habit. According to the Cat Health Behavior website, most cats are remarkably routine-based. This means that if cats latch onto a behavior or activity that they enjoy, they'll start to practice that behavior routinely.


    Many owners who feel their cat acts in a peculiar manner may discover that their cat's behavior is not as abnormal as they think. Some common behaviors that pet owners may consider odd include waking everyone during the night, bringing their owners dead mice and scratching up furniture and other household items.

    Individuals concerned about their cat's behavior can always take their cat to a veterinarian. The veterinarian can ensure that the odd behavior is not caused by a medical problem.

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