
Different Types Of Bed Bugs And How These Annoy You With A Pest Control Service In Westboro MA

By Andreas Paschar

The recent increase in bed bug infestations naturally leaves you nervous about what might be lurking in hotel rooms and dressing rooms. While people often think that bed bugs are all the same, the truth is that there are actually different types. Knowing which type of bed bug you have is essential for choosing the right method for eliminating the infestation from your home so that you and your family are safe from their nasty bites.

Most household tend to deal with bed bugs of the common household variety and these may not be easy to identify until you're dealing with a major infestation. Another type of these insects that bit humans are tropical bed bugs, and much like their moniker implies, these tend to thrive in hot and humid regions like Florida.

Consumers should know that barn swallow bugs actually look very similar to typical bed bugs and these insects are able to enter residential properties whenever lots of birds are migrating.

Given that bed bugs in all their incarnations look very much the same, people should contact pest control in Westboro MA to determine which insects their dealing with before attempting to solve their infestation problems.

The easiest way to determine whether or not you have an infestation is by identifying tiny bites on the skin just after waking up in the morning. These are usually positioned in rows or in groups of three or more. There can also be small black flecks of fecal waste on the sheets. Check the mattress seams for bed bug eggs. You may even find these insects behind wallpaper, within the carpeting, behind picture frames or in drawers right by the bedside.

Once bed bugs invade your home, there is little that you can do on your own. This is because bed bugs require a specific control strategy that cannot be found over the counter. Working quickly to get an infestation under control from the moment that you suspect that you have seen a bed bug is critical for avoiding the spread of a problem.

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