
Cat Health: Stomach Cancer

Cat Health: Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer in cats is fatal if diagnosed in the later stages. Unfortunately, it is hard to diagnose in time, because symptoms do not show until the later stages. Pet owners can be comforted and reassured by the fact that feline stomach cancer is very rare and the least common of all cat cancers.


    Several types of stomach cancers are found in cats. According to, even the most common ones are rare. The more common types found in cats are mast cell tumors, adenocarcinoma and lymphoma. Mast cells are found in the feline digestive tract. If these cells grow uncontrollably for some reason, they can develop into tumors. Adenocarcinoma are gastric tumors caused by a cancer in the glands that spreads to the stomach. When adenocarcinoma spreads to the lymph nodes, it causes lymphoma. Lymphoma can also be caused when a cancerous tumor originates in the lymph nodes, according to


    Symptoms progress very slowly and are usually noticeable only in the later stages, according to Symptoms include loss of appetite, weight gain, frequent vomiting, vomiting blood, black or tarry feces, dehydration, anemia, lethargy, abdominal pain and lumps in the stomach region. If you notice any of these symptoms in your cat, take him to the vet immediately.


    Vets will perform several different types of diagnostic tests. states that these tests include X-rays, ultrasounds, and feeling and examining the stomach. The vet might also do a gastroscopy, running an endoscope down the cat's throat and into the stomach to look for tumors. For this process, the cat is sedated.


    Because of nearby organs, radiation and chemotherapy are too risky. The treatment for feline stomach cancer is surgery to remove the tumors. states that cats undergoing stomach cancer surgery will be hospitalized at the veterinary office for 24 hours after the surgery.


    Even with surgery, the prognosis for cats with stomach cancer is not good. The average life span for a cat after being diagnosed with stomach cancer is from 12 to 14 months

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