
Pollen Allergy in Cats

Pollen Allergy in Cats

Just like people, cats can suffer from pollen-related allergies. Consequently, cat owners should be aware of the signs and learn how to best treat their pet when allergies manifest themselves.

Types of Pollens says common allergens for cats include tree pollens (cedar, ash, oak), grass pollens (Bermuda), weed pollens (ragweed, goldenrods), molds, mildew and house dust mites.


    Pollen allergies for cats tend to be seasonal.


    When cats are exposed to pollen, they develop severe itching around their entire body and may also develop watery eyes and a runny nose.

Limit Exposure

    It is important to limit your cat's exposure to the outdoors when he is experiencing pollen allergies. For example, if a cat is allergic to pollen, he should be kept inside with the windows closed when pollen counts are high or the grass is being mowed.


    Veterinary treatments for pollen allergies in cats depend upon the severity of the symptoms and may range from anti-inflammatory medications to allergy shots.

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