
How to Treat Cats With Constipation

Constipation is a common condition that occurs in cats. Constipation is normally defined as the absence of bowel movements or infrequent bowel movements that may include straining. If you notice a lack of bowel movements, straining, lethargy and loss of appetite, your cat is most likely constipated. Constipation is usually not serious, though it can become serious if prolonged. Chronic constipation may be an indication of impaction that requires medical treatment. It could also be a sign of an underlying condition. In most cases, constipation can be alleviated by making a few dietary changes.



    Make sure that your feline friend always has plenty of fresh water available at all times. If your cat doesn't get enough water, its stools may be hard and dry. Be certain that your pet has drinking water accessible to it both day and night.


    Feed your cat a high-fiber diet. Fiber gets the digestive system moving and can help prevent constipation. If you choose to switch to a cat food that is higher in fiber than your usual brand, introduce the new food gradually over a period of a week. You can also add fiber to your cat's diet by mixing a teaspoon of bran in warm broth and add it to your cat's food. Bran is high in fiber and can help keep constipation at bay.


    Feed your cat canned cat food, since it contains a higher water content and can help to alleviate and prevent constipation.


    Give your cat a teaspoon of canned pumpkin a couple of times a day. Many cats love the taste, and it will help soften the stool.


    Although most cats don't digest milk very well, it may be beneficial for the constipated cat. Milk often gives cats diarrhea, since they lack the enzyme to properly digest dairy products, but in the case of constipation, milk can act as a laxative necessary to loosen stool.


    Make sure your pet gets plenty of exercise. Pets that lead a sedentary lifestyle tend to be more prone to constipation. Play with your feline friend and make sure it gets a workout at least a couple of times per week.


    Add a few drops of olive oil to your cat's food. It will help keep things moving smoothly, and it has other benefits as well. Olive oil will help alleviate constipation, and it keeps the fur soft and shiny. Olive oil is also good for skin problems. It promotes healthy skin from the inside out.

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