
Natural Remedy for Urinary Tract Infection in a Cat

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a rather common ailment in cats. The infections can result in difficulty urinating, blood in the urine and serious kidney problems, as well as pain and discomfort. While a visit to the veterinarian's office should not be avoided, there are some natural, inexpensive remedies for UTIs in cats.


    A variety of herbs can be given to your cat in pill or liquid form that can help relieve symptoms that come with a UTI. Goldenrod Horsetail Compound contains a combination of corn silk, goldenrod, horsetail and juniper berry, all of which reduce irritation of the urinary system and calm symptoms. These herbs along with parsley, marsh mallow root and elderberry also come in the form of an herbal tea that can be brewed, then served cool to your cat in small doses throughout the day.

    Belladonna and cantharis are herbs that help relieve the pain and straining associated with a UTI. Cantharis is effective when blood is present in the cat's urine. It is usually dosed as a dissolvable pellet and should be given at the first sign of UTI.


    As many people who have had UTIs know, cranberry is often the most effective natural remedy for treating a UTI. Cranberry works to prevent bacteria from attaching to the bladder walls, while also creating acid in the urine. This is effective because bacteria cannot survive in acidic conditions.

    It is more difficult to treat UTIs in cats with cranberry juice than it is to treat humans. It takes a large amount of juice to make an impact, and cats are unlikely to be able to drink enough of it. However, cranberry extract can be found in the form of a capsule and given to cats.

Diet Tips

    Making a few changes to your cat's diet can also help improve the symptoms of a UTI. Preparing home-cooked food helps minimize infection and prevent future infections. Food containing artificial additives or colors can actually weaken a pet's immunity.

    Raw, unprocessed foods that do not contain sugar are best to feed a cat who is battling an infection. Increasing your cat's water intake is also very important in ensuring a quick UTI recovery. Giving your cat moist food and filtered spring water can help increase water intake. Diet changes may take up to six weeks to eliminate symptoms but will help in preventing future infections.

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