
Home Remedy For a Cat Furball

Home Remedy For a Cat Furball

Hairballs develop when a cat swallows loose hairs during the grooming process. The hair forms a mass of fur inside of the stomach, which then comes out in the form of hairballs. There are several home remedies for dealing with this common problem.


    Making your cat undergo some dietary changes can help prevent hairballs from forming. If the cat is consuming an excess of snacks and not receiving a sufficient amount of healthy dietary fiber, it will be at much higher risk. It also is vital that cats receive enough exercise. Hairballs can be problematic because they just sit inside of the stomach. As a result, it is important to get the cat's system moving more efficiently. If they eat fewer snacks with empty calories, move their bodies more and eat a diet higher in fiber, the hairballs should become less of a problem.


    Regular grooming of the cat also can help reduce the chances of hairballs occurring. Cats groom themselves, but it also can be extremely helpful if you brush them every few days.

Intestinal Lubrication

    Intestinal lubrication can make the passing of the hairball significantly easier for the cat. Only a tiny amount is necessary. This can assist the hairballs in moving through the digestive system. A small dollop of petroleum jelly can greatly help to lubricate the intestines. If the cat is resistant to swallowing it, however, butter can be used instead. Just half a teaspoon of melted butter should work.

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