
How to Make Safe Flea Repellant for Cats

Cats are sensitive when it comes to chemicals, pest control, even some organic materials. Below are a few tips to control, kill, or repel fleas from your pet with a few safe household remedies.



    Soak slices of lemon in hot water, then sponge the solution gently on your cat's fur. Lemon repells fleas and soothes your cat's skin, but doesn't hurt your cat's digestive tract.


    Mix salt and baking soda together and sprinkle underneath your furniture to kill flea eggs. A little bit won't harm your cat, but try to keep it away from areas your cat frequents, since consuming salt will make your cat extra-thirsty.


    Sprinkle Earl Grey tea leaves in places where you cat spends a lot of time. The scene of the tea leaves deters fleas -- and a little sponge bath for your cat's fur won't harm it and will leave a pleasant, flea-deterrent scent behind.

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