Fleas are an annoying problem, but many pet owners are reluctant to use chemical treatments on their pets. Luckily there are plenty of natural ways to discourage fleas from feasting on your furry friend. As well as natural cures you make from ingredients in your house, there are also organic treatments that can be bought from pet stores.
Soapy Water
Set a bowl of soapy water near wherever your pet spends most of his time at night. Keep a nightlight plugged in above the bowl, as this will attract the fleas and they will drown in the water. This will work only against fleas that don't already live on your pet, however, as those that do will not want to leave. This will also work only on adult fleas.
Citric Rinse
A lemon rinse will repel fleas, because they avoid the smell of citrus. The rinse is very east to make. Simply slice a lemon and place it in one pint of warm water. Leave this overnight and strain the water the next morning. Gently apply the rinse to your pet's skin after a bath and allow to dry naturally. You can use this rinse as often as necessary.
Natural Flea Repellent
There are three main ingredients in most commercial flea treatments. These are citronella, rosemary and wormwood. These can also be purchased by themselves. If you purchase these ingredients, you can combine them yourself to make a homemade repellent. These herbs are safe to use as often as necessary. One important point about flea repellent is that although it will cause fleas to leave your pet, they will continue living in your house if the pet is not left outside for some time shortly after bathing.
Garlic has numerous properties that repel fleas. In particular, after digestion, fleas can smell the garlic through the animal's skin and will avoid it. They also dislike the taste of garlic and can taste it through the animal's blood. Simply mix a little bit of garlic in with your pet's food to use it against fleas. Be careful, however, because it is not safe to give garlic to cats. For cats you can use brewer's yeast for a similar effect.

Fleas are an annoying problem, but many pet owners are reluctant to use chemical treatments on their pets. Luckily there are plenty of natural ways to discourage fleas from feasting on your furry friend. As well as natural cures you make from ingredients in your house, there are also organic treatments that can be bought from pet stores.
Soapy Water
Set a bowl of soapy water near wherever your pet spends most of his time at night. Keep a nightlight plugged in above the bowl, as this will attract the fleas and they will drown in the water. This will work only against fleas that don't already live on your pet, however, as those that do will not want to leave. This will also work only on adult fleas.
Citric Rinse
A lemon rinse will repel fleas, because they avoid the smell of citrus. The rinse is very east to make. Simply slice a lemon and place it in one pint of warm water. Leave this overnight and strain the water the next morning. Gently apply the rinse to your pet's skin after a bath and allow to dry naturally. You can use this rinse as often as necessary.
Natural Flea Repellent
There are three main ingredients in most commercial flea treatments. These are citronella, rosemary and wormwood. These can also be purchased by themselves. If you purchase these ingredients, you can combine them yourself to make a homemade repellent. These herbs are safe to use as often as necessary. One important point about flea repellent is that although it will cause fleas to leave your pet, they will continue living in your house if the pet is not left outside for some time shortly after bathing.
Garlic has numerous properties that repel fleas. In particular, after digestion, fleas can smell the garlic through the animal's skin and will avoid it. They also dislike the taste of garlic and can taste it through the animal's blood. Simply mix a little bit of garlic in with your pet's food to use it against fleas. Be careful, however, because it is not safe to give garlic to cats. For cats you can use brewer's yeast for a similar effect.
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