
Symptoms of a Kidney Tumor in Cats

Symptoms of a Kidney Tumor in Cats

According to Go Pets America, lymphosarcoma and adenocarcinoma are the two most common types of kidney tumors in cats. Metastatic tumors, those inclined to spread, are common in the kidneys of cats due to the large blood supply available. Learning more about the symptoms of kidney tumors in cats can help you care for your pet.

Weight Loss

    A cat with a kidney tumor may be in pain, and because of this, its appetite can be disrupted. The cat may refuse to eat, even when offered a treat, and its apathy towards food can cause noticeable weight loss.


    Kidney tumors in cats tend to reduce a cat's energy and ability to play and exercise as it once did. Because of the pain from the tumor itself as well as the resources necessary to stay functional, the cat will not be able to be as active as it was. This can cause the cat to become depressed and uninterested in the world around it.

Blood in the Urine

    Blood in the urine is a sign of kidney trauma, and it may mean that the kidney tumor has progressed to a severe level. If blood is noticed in the urine, the cat should be taken to the veterinarian immediately.

Excessive Drinking

    No matter how much the cat drinks, it seems to be unable to quench its thirst. Cats with kidney tumors frequently start gulping down copious amounts of water. This may lead to the cat drinking from unusual places like the toilet or the sink. This is coupled with excessive urination.

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